11/26 – Fisher Cats
Saturday, November 26th, 2016 Live music by The Fisher Cats at Supino's The Fisher Cats feature Progressive Rock.
Saturday, November 26th, 2016 Live music by The Fisher Cats at Supino's The Fisher Cats feature Progressive Rock.
Live Music - Saturday November 19th - Danvers, MA Searching for Clarity: https://www.facebook.com/SearchingForClarity/
Saturday November 12th - Live Music in Danvers, MA
http://runjohnnyrun.net/ Live Music at Supino's Every Saturday Night. Live Music in Danvers MA Boston's hottest new band just didn't happen by chance. They have played together for some 30 years. Run Johnny Run is an authentic Rock Rhythm and Blues band that continues to please audience after audience.
Mack Stevens Duo - Saturday October 22nd
Saturday Night - October 15th, 2016 http://runjohnnyrun.net/ Live Music at Supino's Every Saturday Night. Live Music in Danvers MA Boston's hottest new band just didn't happen by chance. They have played together for some 30 years. Run Johnny Run is an authentic Rock Rhythm and Blues band that continues to please audience after audience.
Saturday October 8th - Live Music in Danvers, MA
Saturday, October 1, 2016 Live music by The Fisher Cats at Supino's The Fisher Cats feature Progressive Rock.
Saturday, September 17th 2016
Half price appertizers Chicken Wings - $4.99 per dozen Spin & Win up to $100.